令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements are meant to ensure that students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner through achieving minimum academic standards.

We are required to evaluate students based on three standards; GPA, 进度, 及最长时限.

在一个对使用联邦, 状态, 以及机构学生资助基金, institutions of higher education and their students must demonstrate that financial aid funds are being used to assist students in efficiently completing their academic goals.

While the University of West Georgia maintains an academic progress policy for the determination of a student’s continued academic eligibility for enrollment purposes, the 令人满意的学业进展 policy for 金融援助 purposes may be more stringent in some components in order to maintain compliance with Federal Student Aid regulations (34 CFR 668.34).


  • 访问博彩平台推荐 onelogingportal并使用您的博彩平台推荐用户名和密码登录
  • 搜寻“Banweb”
  • 选择“学生服务及资助”
  • 选择“经济资助”
  • 选择“学业进展满意”

注:如果你是研究生水平的学生(M.Ed, 工商管理硕士, MA, 等)曾在博彩平台推荐攻读研究生学位, 请与博彩平台推荐联系您当前特定课程的GPA, 进度, 和尝试时间.*


A student who has been placed on 足总悬浮 or 最大时间范围 may appeal the SAP status decision only in cases of extenuating circumstances. 学生可以提出SAP上诉的情有可为的情况包括学生受伤或生病, 直系亲属患重病或死亡, 或者其他特殊情况. Each SAP Appeal will be reviewed individually and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the procedures given below.

The SAP Appeal process requires the submission of a written 状态ment by the student outlining the extenuating circumstances which led to their academic difficulties, 情况是如何变化的, 和学生的计划,以提高他们的学术地位. The 状态ment must be submitted via the 金融援助 section of a student's OneLogin account and must specifically address the courses, 成绩, 和入学条件,这些都影响了SAP的不足地位. 陈述应该以学术的方式书写, 包括正确的语法, 拼写, 和标点符号. The appeal must be accompanied by supporting documentation from at least two individuals who can corroborate the student's circumstances, 透过OneLogin上传的资料. 如果文件是由专业人士(商业、医疗、顾问、神职人员等)提供的.), 文件必须包括该机构的专业抬头, 专业人士的证书, 并且必须签名.

申诉将由一个由F . F .组成的万国运动会委员会审查.A. 工作人员. A student who wishes to appeal the decision of the SAP Appeal Committee may submit a request for a review by the 第二上诉委员会. 任何进一步的上诉请求将被发送给财政援助主任. 财政援助主任的决定是最终决定.

如果学生的SAP上诉被SAP上诉委员会批准, 第二上诉委员会, 或财政援助主任, 该学生将获得继续参加联邦考试的资格, 状态, 或只有一个学期的机构经济援助资格. The student and a representative from the 金融援助 Office will work cooperatively with the student's academic advisor and the Center for Academic Success to put together an academic success plan that will be monitored throughout the semester to be sure the student is making proper academic progress. In cases where it is mathematically impossible to bring the GPA or 进度 ratio to required standards within one semester, 学术计划可以在多个学期中制定, but it will be evaluated at the conclusion of each semester to be certain that the requirements at each checkpoint are being properly achieved by the student. *请注意,学生最多只能申请3次

如果学生的SAP上诉被SAP上诉委员会拒绝, 第二上诉委员会, 或财政援助主任, 该学生将没有资格获得联邦奖学金, 国家或机构的财政援助,直到学生的GPA和进度比率提高到要求的标准.


提交SAP上诉申请的截止日期是在适用学期的最终付款截止日期后10个工作日. 费用支付截止日期

  • 夏季SAP申诉截止日期为第二节付款截止日期后10个工作日
  • 如果上诉在10个工作日的截止日期后提交,将在下学期进行审查.
  • 请预留5-7个工作日审核提交的申诉.
    提出上诉须知(PDF, 339K)
  • 令人满意的 -学生达到GPA,进度和最长时间要求. 学生有资格继续接受联邦,州和机构的经济援助.
  • 警告 -学生没有达到GPA或进度要求(或两者都没有). 学生有资格继续接受联邦,州和机构的经济援助 for one semester only. Continued eligibility beyond the warning semester will be contingent on the student bringing the deficient requirements to the required minimum standards. *请注意:当超过学位的最长时间框架时,您将不会收到警告期限*
  • 悬架 -在警告学期后,学生没有达到GPA或进度要求(或两者都没有). 学生没有资格继续接受联邦, 状态, 机构财政援助,直到有缺陷的要求恢复到最低标准.
  • 最大时间范围警告 -请注意:当超过学位的最长时间框架时,您将不会收到警告期限.
  • 最大时间范围 -学生已超过学术课程的尝试时数. 学生已用尽所有资格继续领取联邦, 状态, 以及机构财政援助.
  • FA缓刑 -被勒令停赛或最长时间限制的学生提交了经博彩平台推荐审查程序批准的SAP申诉. Student must complete the requirements of an academic plan which will be monitored by the 金融援助 Office in conjunction with other academic support offices. 学生有资格继续接受联邦, 状态, 而一个学期的机构财政援助只与学术计划的细节相协调. The student’s continued eligibility beyond the 缓刑 semester will be determined at the conclusion of each semester in coordination with the details of the academic plan.

在某些情况下, 学生可能会受到经济援助暂停或警告,也可能受到学术警告, 缓刑, 或暂停. 虽然经济援助令人满意的学术进步和学术进步标准是基于课程作业, 满足悬架的必要条件, 缓刑, 或者警告不同. 有关的更多信息 学术进步标准,请浏览博彩平台推荐的学术标准进度页面.

如果你收到了一封来自财政援助办公室的电子邮件,指示你到这个页面, 财政援助满意的学术进展信息可以在下面找到.

除非另有说明, 如上所述的SAP要求适用于所有学生,无论学生是否获得经济援助资金, 学生作为本科生或研究生的学术分类, 或者学生的学术课程. Exceptions (as noted below) will include but are not limited to the minimum GPA requirement and maximum time frame hours for graduate students.
The 博彩平台推荐 金融援助 Office will evaluate all students’ 令人满意的学业进展 status at the conclusion of each term of enrollment. 在博彩平台推荐,注册的期限是一个学期. 夏季学期入学的学生将在夏季学期结束时接受SAP评估.
在每个SAP评估期,学生的SAP状态将被记录在Banweb上. 留校察看的学生, 足总悬浮, 或最长时间框架将通过电子邮件通知到他们的博彩平台推荐电子邮件帐户. 被置于FA警告的学生将通过电子邮件通知到他们的博彩平台推荐电子邮件帐户. 所有通知将在评估SAP的学期结束后3周内发出.
Grade changes that occur after a SAP evaluation has already occurred will be included in the next scheduled evaluation; prior evaluation(s) will not be reassessed.
这些财政援助满意的学术进步标准不考虑学术更新GPA. 如果学生被授予学业续期,将进行单独的GPA计算. 联邦学生援助计划条例没有规定学术特赦或学术更新的概念. 因此, a school must always include all courses (whenever taken) in evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress (both quantitative and qualitative components).

如果你决定不上诉, 或者你的上诉没有被批准, 欢迎您探索以下几种替代方案以支付费用.

  • 你可以考虑付款计划. The University of West Georgia is partnered with Nelnet Business Solutions (NBS) to allow students to pay tuition and fees in installments, 让更多的人上得起大学. Nelnet付款计划是一种灵活的付款选择,允许使用信用卡/借记卡付款, 或者从支票或储蓄账户中自动提款. 付款计划不是贷款, 而且没有信用检查, 感兴趣, 或与此选项相关的财务费用. 这个计划可以包括任何学费、学生费用、膳食计划和校园住宿费,最高可达4500美元.00. 点击这里了解更多信息: Nelnet付款计划
  • 你可以考虑向私人贷款机构寻求融资. 下面, we have included the link to our webpage which contains more information about some of the most common private lenders that our students have chosen in the past. 请记住, 这些选项不能保证, 而且可能取决于博彩平台推荐不知道的信息(比如信用记录), 例如). 此外, 你要确保你选择的贷款机构会贷款给那些暂停经济援助的学生. 您也可以在博彩平台推荐网站提供的范围之外探索私人贷款机构, 因为这只是学生过去使用的贷款机构的一个样本. 在博彩平台推荐的网站上了解更多信息 私人学生贷款页面.



Undergraduate students: will be evaluated each semester on the basis of cumulative institutional GPA and the total number of hours attempted. Hours transferred will be included in determining the total hours attempted; however, 累积绩点只会按在澳大完成的学业计算(院校绩点). 维护SAP所需的累积GPA(总尝试时数)如下图所示:

0 - 30尝试小时1.最低绩点8
31 - 60小时1.最低绩点


  • 转学学分不包括在质量积分或GPA小时数中. GPA标准仅基于博彩平台推荐学分.
  • 未完成的博彩平台推荐课程将不计入GPA计算.
  • Grades of W will be excluded from the GPA calculation (not from the pace of progression requirement; see next section)
  • 对于在博彩平台推荐重修的课程,最后一次尝试将被计算在GPA中.






  • 转学学分不包括在质量积分或GPA小时数中. GPA标准仅基于博彩平台推荐学分.
  • 未完成的博彩平台推荐课程将不计入GPA计算.
  • Grades of W will be excluded from the GPA calculation (not from the pace of progression requirement; see next section)


进度是指通过的总学分数与尝试的学分数的关系. 所有学生必须完成至少66.占所有课程的66%. 完成比率是通过将总通过时数除以总尝试时数来衡量的. 转学生的计算方法不同. 这两种计算都可以通过使用 进度计算器. 成绩F、W、WF、I或U不算作及格成绩.

  • Transfer credits accepted toward the student’s 博彩平台推荐 academic program will count as both earned and attempted hours in the calculation of the pace of progression ratio.


A student must complete their degree requirements within a specific number of attempted credit hours (150% of the published degree length). 对于大多数本科生来说,150%是180个学分. 请参阅以下例外情况:

  • 修读两个专业或辅修专业的学生仍然受到最长时间限制.
  • An undergraduate student who is pursuing two different undergraduate degrees at the University of West Georgia (concurrently or separately) will be granted an extension up to 240 attempted credit hours. 两个以上的本科学位不允许延长最长尝试时数.
  • A master's degree student who is pursuing an additional master's degree (concurrently or separately) will be granted an extension of 40 attempted hours above the first master's degree requirement. 两个以上的硕士学位不允许延长最长尝试时数.
  • 攻读硕士以上学位的研究生只允许尝试其公布课程长度的150%. 
  • 请注意:当超过你的学位的最长时间框架,你将不会收到警告期限