由于各种原因,学生在博彩平台推荐期间获得兼职工作. 你可能需要工作来支付教育和生活费用. You may work because you feel the experience could be a valuable part of your education. The skills you obtain from working complement your academic performance and communicate to future employers your ability to succeed in a professional setting.

Studies have shown that students who work do just as well or better academically than non-working students. 除了, working students are more likely to complete a degree program than non-workers. Working part-time allows students to become more “engaged” with their school and community and results in higher satisfaction with college life.

博彩平台推荐 offers a multitude of on-campus student employment opportunities that provides unique and positive, 丰富获得实践经验,补充学术追求的手段.


所有的学生就业职位都张贴在 博彩平台推荐人力资源网站. 学生最多可以做两份校内工作,但总工作时间不得超过29小时.

  1. 注册
  2. 上传简历以获得批准
  3. 一旦简历被批准,就开始搜索和申请工作
  4. 如果一个人知道他们正在寻找的工作的工作ID, 将其输入搜索栏以加快申请过程.

参观 研究生助学金页面 搜寻及申请大学研究生助学金.



  • 赚钱来帮助支付你的开支
  • 减少学生贷款的必要性
  • 了解其他同学
  • 为你的简历积累有价值的工作经验
  • 提高基本工作技能的机会
  • 有机会尝试不同的职业选择
  • 有价值和实用的职业相关经验
  • 与对你作为一名学生的成功感兴趣的全职员工的联系
  • Opportunity for networking and develop relationships with professionals that can lead to letters of support/recommendation
  • 和那些对你的工作时间安排更灵活的雇主一起工作
  • 有机会“参与”博彩平台推荐学校和社区


Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for student on-campus positions. A Student Assistant (SA) is a part-time employee who is currently enrolled at University of West Georgia (博彩平台推荐) with the primary goal of achieving a degree. 学生助理职位是校园内的工作. 这些工作的范围从文书工作到园林绿化工作,以及介于两者之间的任何工作. 学生助理在学期中每周可以工作29个小时.

Any student currently enrolled in classes can apply for student assistant jobs on the Human Resources Website. However students given a graduate assistantship position cannot also hold a student assistant position.


在开始作为博彩平台推荐学生雇员的工作之前, among other things you must complete the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9 to verify your eligibility to work in the US. 你需要出示人力资源部门的具体原件, 未过期的证件(不允许复印), 这是联邦政府授权的. 查看 可接受的身份证明形式.

除了, 如果您以前没有收到博彩平台推荐的付款, 你需要填写工资税表格, W-4雇员预扣津贴表和乔治亚州预扣津贴表.
请注意:豁免证书是有效的日历年. Any employee who claims “EXEMPT” from withholding is required to complete a new W-4 form by February 16th of each year to continue being exempt from the following year. 否则,他/她的豁免将变为0.

All newly hired student employees will need to complete a new hire packet that will be sent by Human Resources.


All student workers and graduate assistants can work a maximum of 29 hours per work week during the Fall and Spring semesters. During Academic Breaks and the Summer Semester student employees are permitted to work up to 40 hours a week.

博彩平台推荐的工作周是从周六到周五. 你的时间表将由你的主管制定.

查看 2023年薪期表(PDF, 105kb) 为两周支付节奏.


Federal Work-Study (FWS)is a federally-funded program that enables students to earn money for college costs through part-time employment. The program pays a portion of the student’s wages which allows the campus to provide more work opportunities on campus and select organizations to provide work opportunities off-campus. 这是一个有限的基金, need-based financial aid program in which eligible students work part-time on-campus and with a few-select positions that are available off-campus while enrolled at the University of West Georgia (博彩平台推荐). Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every year to apply for federal financial aid, 包括美国鱼类和野生动物管理局. The Financial Aid Office at 博彩平台推荐 uses the information reported to them from the FAFSA to establish a student's eligibility for employment through FWS. 

Federal Work-Study eligibility can be seen in the student’s BanWeb and is indicated as “offered”. 只有被“提供”FWS的学生才能申请联邦勤工俭学工作. 

Student Employment strives to provide students opportunities for both on-campus and off-campus employment in part-time positions, which match their interests and skills and which may help them to grow personally and professionally.


  • 未来的资格
  • 方便
  • 灵活的安排
  • 实际工作
  • 有意义的工作
  • 学生的成功


America Reads/America Counts (ARAC) is a partnership between student employment and surrounding school districts. 博彩平台推荐 students are trained to assist pre-k through fifth graders who need extra help learning to read and Kindergarten through ninth-graders who need extra help with their math skills. 这些家庭教师在校外的当地学校工作. 你需要最小值为2.75 GPA参加America Reads/America Counts. 

America Reads has been a part of our Federal Work-Study program since the 1997-1998 academic year.


ARAC是联邦勤工俭学(FWS)计划的一部分.  要成为ARAC导师,学生必须获得FWS的经济援助奖励. 一年级新生, 他们必须是希望奖学金获得者和归国学生, 必须是2.平均绩点75分,交通可靠,到达指定学校.


The ARAC Tutor positions are listed as an FWS position along with the other FWS job listings on 握手.

除了正常的FWS工作申请流程之外, each prospective tutor must sign a consent form to allow a criminal background investigation. 学生就业部将审核申请并通知选定的申请人.


ARAC Tutors are required to attend mandatory tutor orientation and training throughout the course of their employment.



  • 卡罗尔顿城市学校
  • 卡罗尔顿市课后项目
  • 夏普溪小学


  • 安科·萨金特小学
  • 纽南高中
  • 露丝希尔小学


  • 比尔·阿普小学
  • 道格拉斯县高中
  • 北道格拉斯小学
  • 斯图尔特中学


  • H.A. 琼斯小学课后计划

学生不应该直接联系这些学校. 他们必须到学生就业办公室办理正式手续.


The University of West Georgia’s Community Outreach Program is a partnership between Student Employment and the local communities. 博彩平台推荐的学生有机会通过回馈社区来工作. 社区外展助理员, 在校外周边地区的非营利组织工作.


社区外展是联邦勤工俭学(FWS)社区服务计划的一部分.  To become a COA a student must be offered FWS on his or her Financial Aid Award, have a minimum 2.平均绩点5分,并且必须有可靠的交通工具到达指定的工作地点.


The COA positions are listed as an FWS position along with the other FWS job listings on 握手.

除了正常的FWS工作申请流程之外, each prospective COA must sign a consent form to allow a criminal background investigation. 学生就业部将审核申请,并通知选定的申请人.


coa必须参加入职培训. 这个方向是由学生就业指导.



  1. 填一下这个 学生就业招聘表格
  2. Wait for communication from Student Employment in Human Resources to notify you the job has been posted
  3. Check applicants in your OneUSG portal under "Manager Self Service" for any open positions
  4. 请填写 博彩平台推荐学生助理招聘表格 当你选择了理想的候选人
  5. Human Resources will then go through the entire approval chain and notify both you and the applicant when they can begin their hiring paperwork
