11月. 14, 2023

While University of West Georgia alumna 阿梅卡·科尔曼,16岁 transformed an initial investment of $3,500美元变成了一家欣欣向荣的七位数的公司, it’s still the little things that she takes pride in the most. For example, with every order a person makes with her Black-owned beauty brand 信念的力量, the recipient receives a mustard seed with a note that serves as a reminder that they can move mountains.


“的 note reminds them that no matter what they’re going through, 他们可以克服最艰难的挑战,科尔曼解释道。. “Throughout life, I didn’t know my worth, and it really affected my self-esteem. With this brand, our purpose-driven piece is to empower women to believe in themselves. 这就是我最快乐的地方.”

和一个新的, historic contract in place for 信念的力量, 一个天然护发产品品牌, there will be enough mustard seeds to build a mountain.

Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, a natural thirst for knowledge led Coleman to the 博彩平台推荐 理查兹商学院工商管理硕士 程序. 的 first-generation college student had already earned two bachelor’s degrees in microbiology and biological sciences from Mississippi State University and a master’s degree in clinical research management from the University of North Texas Health Science Center. 

当她进入博彩平台推荐时, Coleman was a full-time professional working in the healthcare field as a researcher, so the flexibility of an online component was vital. However, the virtual setup didn’t detract from certain benefits of a full university experience.

“的 students in my 程序 were ethnically diverse, which was amazing because it prepared me for real-world scenarios with many different points of view,”她说。. “It gave me insight on how to build a business in a cohesive and inclusive way.”

Although Coleman had zero aspirations to start her own business then, her time at 博彩平台推荐 gave her the knowledge she needed for what was to come – like budgeting, 预测和推出新产品.

“It prepared me in ways I didn’t know I needed to be prepared,” she described. “In the long run, all my degrees connected and complemented each other. My scientific background with its research experiences was important because I formulate all our products from scratch and manufacture our products in-house, and the 工商管理硕士 from 博彩平台推荐 added that core aspect of business expertise.”

Coleman’s personal hair odyssey took place long before her degrees came to fruition. In 2006, she created a YouTube channel on which she showcased the beauty of going natural by trying different hairstyles. In turn, women watching became inspired to go back to their roots as well.

“I never knew what the real texture of my hair looked like until then,” Coleman shared. “因为博彩平台推荐的发质, it’s very hard to keep our hair moisturized because of the structure of the strands. It’s very hard for the oils at the scalp to reach the ends, which can lead to breakage and dryness. I wanted to create a solution that would keep hair moisturized and hydrated, and that’s how I ended up formulating our moisture retention system.”

Coleman founded 信念的力量 in 2018 with two major goals in mind – empowering women to believe in themselves and to provide clean products for an underserved market of people with textured hair. 

美国国立卫生研究院 最近 发表了一项研究 that women who used chemical hair straightening products were at higher risk for uterine cancer compared to women who did not. 另一项研究波士顿大学 公共卫生学院 发表在 美国流行病学杂志 reported these “relaxers” can impact a woman’s fertility, as well. 


因此, it was important to Coleman that her company – whose product line includes conditioners, shampoos and stylers – provide safe and healthy options that feature nontoxic formulas, 不含有害成分.

Within three years, 信念的力量 grew into a seven-figure business. More 最近, it made history when Coleman inked a deal with 总理公司. 为全美4400家医院提供.S. 有质感头发的产品.

“We’re the first textured hair brand to enter this kind of partnership,” she beamed. “Hospitals began recognizing the lack of inclusive care for their patients, so they created a category to source products for ethnic care. This means companies are finally realizing these are needed items and should be the standard in hospital care.”

的 fact that Coleman has come full circle – from working in a hospital to providing them with her own products – isn’t lost on her. And most importantly, through it all, she stayed true to her purpose, plan and faith.

“I’m over-the-moon ecstatic that we get to be a part of this,” she concluded. “I want people who use 信念的力量 to feel that as long as you have hope, 你可以克服任何困难. Embrace your texture, believe in yourself and keep the faith.”