18 months | Credit Hours: 27

The purpose of the Ed.S. program in Instructional Technology is to provide superior student-focused education that is personally relevant and intellectually challenging. 该计划致力于以下卓越领域:

  • 培养进步的、创新的、以学术为基础的教学技术人员;
  • Building and enhancing skills in research and program evaluation to support instructional growth and improvement;
  • 开发创新的交付方式,最大限度地提高教育体验;
  • Cultivating diversity of ideas, values, and persons responsive to changing needs and technologies; and
  • 通过奖学金和服务促进学习的进步.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog.

Start Your Journey Today


学生必须有硕士学位才能进入这个项目. 本学位课程不需要教师证书. A teaching certificate is required for students seeking a certification upgrade from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Students who already hold a Teaching or Service certificate with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission will be eligible for Certification in Instructional Technology.

除了完成课程要求外, students seeking Certification with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission must also pass the GACE for more information click here.

课程可以在18个月内完成. 学位分别在5月、8月和12月授予.

The 教育技术与基金会系 website includes a program handbook, 指导员目录和他们的证书, as well as other vital information. 

This is a concentration under the 教育专家,主修教学技术、媒体 & Design degree program.

Program Location


Method of Delivery

Coursework is available 100% online.


博彩平台推荐是由美国南方大学协会认证的 院校委员会(SACSCOC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 30

研究生可以通过以下方式来降低成本 prior learning,以前在博彩平台推荐获得的学位,或转学分. We have created a tool 帮助学生估算他们的学费.                

该课程完全在线提供. 虽然学生可以选择报名参加面对面的选修课或核心课程, 你完全可以在网上获得这个学位.

Save money

博彩平台推荐经常被评为同类大学中最实惠的认可大学之一, 无论选择何种交付方式. In addition, 在线课程和项目可以在许多不明显的方面节省大量成本:不再收取高昂的油费. No childcare needed. 这种灵活性可以让一个人在上学的同时保持一份工作. Regardless of state residency, 州外的非居民学生不需要支付非居民在线课程学分的学费.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, 取决于学生选择参加的课程的教学方法.
  • 一个学生在一个学期里修的课程越多, 他们通常会节省更多的费用和总成本.
  • Face-to-Face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, 根据学生的居住情况(非居民收费更高).
  • 完全或完全在线课程的学费和费用因课程而异. 参加在线课程的学生不需要支付非居民学费.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • 提醒一句:如果一个学生在一个学期内同时学习了面对面和在线课程, 他们将支付所有强制性的校园费用和更高的学费.
  • 有关费用信息以及付款截止日期,请参阅 学生账户和账单服务网站

学生有各种各样的经济援助选择, 包括奖学金和勤工俭学项目. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.


Projected Offerings
All required courses for the Ed.S. in Instructional Technology, Media & 设计-教学技术专业将提供两年以上的课程. No campus visits are required. 学生可以在任何学期开始该课程. 在最初的咨询阶段,为每个学生制定了一个计划的课程顺序. Any changes in the projected sequence need to be determined jointly between student and advisor in order for the student to be able to complete the program in a timely manner.

The Ed.S. in Instructional Technology, Media & Design – Instructional Technology Concentration requires students to complete 27 credit hours (9 courses at 3 credit hours each).  

There are two tracks in the Ed.S. in Instructional Technology, Media & 设计-教学技术方向: IT Certification Track and General Track.

Students seeking Instructional Technology (IT) Certification with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission need to pursue the IT Certification Track, 包括三个IT认证课程(MEDT 7464), MEDT 7490, and MEDT 7476) as requirements; students who already possess IT Certification or are not pursuing IT Certification from the GaPSC (e.g.(非乔治亚州教育工作者或非p12教育工作者)需要追求一般轨道. 如果你对你应该从事的职业有任何疑问, 你应该咨询格鲁吉亚PSC证书升级咨询工具和你的顾问. 

General Track Program Sheet 

IT Certification Track Program Sheet


这门研究生课程是关于人类从出生到衰老和死亡的成长和发展的研究. 该课程侧重于物理领域, cognitive, social, personality, and emotional development as a series of progressive changes resulting from the biological being's interactions with the environment. Special emphasis is placed on the development characteristics of school age youth within a multicultural and diverse society.


本课程将着重于教学设计原则在教学中的博彩平台推荐. A systems approach to instructional design which includes information and application of skills and techniques necessary in the analysis, design, development, implementation, 以及教学评价.


Intermediate level course on design, 基于网络的教学系统的发展和形成性评价. 强调了基于有效实践研究的网页设计策略. Students use software development tools to create and evaluate interactive lessons including strategies for assessing learning achievement.


This is a survey course focused on basic elements and technical aspects of multimedia design and development to support teaching and learning in diverse classrooms. 包括硬件和软件的选择, design principles, hands-on production, classroom applications, 讨论问题和有用的数字和网络资源.


设计和制作数字媒体和教学材料的高级课程. 数字媒体的课堂使用将包括在内.


本课程是对概念的一般介绍, theoretical, 以及关于远程教育的实践设想, 包括远程学习的现状及其对教育的影响. 学生将熟悉远程教育领域的术语, review its history, 对具体的实践领域进行研究, 调查教学和学习设计策略, 探索常用的技术, 理解远程学习者和远程教师的独特角色和责任.


关于设计的中级到高级课程, 本地和在线多媒体软件的开发和形成性评估. 强调基于有效实践研究的策略. Students use software development tools to create and evaluate interactive software including strategies for instruction and assessing learning.


This course will focus on application of the principles of assessment of student learning as they relate in the context of technology-enhanced instruction and diverse populations. 具体的概念包括形成性评估和总结性评估, alternative assessment, and standardized testing, 尤其是基于技术的工具的使用. 学生将为他们的内容领域和背景设计和开发评估工具.


学生将研究数字游戏的教育潜力. Students will evaluate digital games, 探索将数字游戏融入学习的有效途径, 设计和开发基于数字游戏的学习环境.


Global Learning and Collaboration with Technology is a course for preparing education professionals to connect with partners in other countries to support learners in implementing collaborative projects.


Individually designed studies of topics in media or instructional technology focused on the student's areas of specialty.


This course is an introduction to visual and media literacy principles that support student learning in specific content areas. 学生将探索摄影和录像的元素,支持以学习者为中心的教学. 在工作场所和教学环境中的教学博彩平台推荐, 拍摄高质量的数码照片和视频短片, 如何制作加强数码教材及所涵盖的资源.


本课程提供实用的设计方法, development, facilitation, 以及在线学习单元的改进. Students will become conversant with terms associated with assessment and evaluation of instructional practices delivered in online and distance education settings. 本课程是专门为那些寻求博彩平台推荐在线教学认可的专业人士设计的.


Students will analyze and develop policy related to distance education and e-Learning programs and learn to oversee installation and administration of a learning management system. Course topics include: management theory and practice; leadership roles and styles; and planning and policy development for educational and corporate organizations.


本课程培养考生在创建计算工件方面的能力, 设计综合计算思维(CT)和/或计算机科学(CS)的P-12教学, 策划相关的教学和专业CT或CS资源, 并倡导P-12计划,以扩大不同学生进入计算机领域的机会.


本课程的重点是创新和变革的过程,因为他们适用于教育系统. Students learn how to apply change models and diffusion theory in order to successfully integrate technology-driven procedures and resources into educational organizations.


本课程提供了规划过程的概述, designing, developing, 在教育机构中实施和管理教学技术项目. Emphasized are leadership skills, managing people and resources, effective training techniques, program development, funding, 以及在教育环境中使用教学技术的趋势和问题.


Advanced topics in the theory, selection, production, 技术为基础的教学材料的利用将进行审查, and issues, 将强调教学技术的趋势和问题.


Human Performance Improvement is a course for applying a systematic approach for identifying gaps in human performance and developing strategies to close the gaps. Students will work with a variety of models and techniques to identify performance requirements and develop multiple approaches for improving human performance across multiple types of organizations.


A comprehensive final examination, in the form of a portfolio, 在毕业前的一个学期,所有申请Ed.S. 传媒(教学技术方向)学位. 综合考试将通过CourseDen提交.


Danilo M. Baylen, EdD, MLIS, MA, MSEd

Danilo M. Baylen, EdD, MLIS, MA, MSEd

Professor of IT, Media & Design

Adriana D'Alba, Ph.D.

Adriana D'Alba, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Jason Huett, Ph.D.

Jason Huett, Ph.D.

Dean USG eCampus/Associate Professor

Kim C. Huett, Ed.D.

Kim C. Huett, Ed.D.

Associate Professor

Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.

Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.


Thomas A. Peterson, Ed. D.

Thomas A. Peterson, Ed. D.

Associate Professor

Mary Beth Slone, Ph.D.

Mary Beth Slone, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Yan Yang, Ph.D.

Yan Yang, Ph.D.


Guidelines for Admittance


  • 所有授予学位的学校(学士、硕士等)的正式成绩单.),并应直接发送到博彩平台推荐研究生招生办公室.
  • 学生必须持有地区认可机构的硕士学位才能被录取.
  • 本课程不需要教师证书, but teacher certification is required for students seeking a certificate upgrade from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher on most recent degree.

Application Deadlines

具体的研究生入学截止日期可通过 Graduate School


See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

Admission Process Checklist

研究生学习申请流程清单如下 available here



Graduate Admissions


具体的研究生入学截止日期可通过 Graduate School

*申请、博彩平台推荐费用和文件截止日期; Dates may vary for Readmit, Transfer, and Transient students.

See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

1. 考生将综合研究教学技术的问题和趋势. 

2. 考生将运用变革理论将创新引入教育环境.

3. 候选人将运用系统的方法来缩小人类表现方面的差距. 

4. 考生将提出创新的技术为基础的解决方案,以确定的教学需求.