
These sections contain details about the scholarships available to 教育学院 undergraduate and graduate students. 以下是教育学院提供的所有奖学金的暂定列表. They are broken down into three areas: graduate, undergraduate, and scholarships available to both.


2023-2024年博彩平台推荐奖学金申请开放给学生完成. 该奖学金申请适用于2023年秋季学期、2024年春季学期和2024年夏季学期.

The 2022-2023 博彩平台推荐 Scholarship Application will remain open for students to complete until May 30, 2023. 该奖学金申请适用于2022年秋季学期、2023年春季学期和2023年夏季学期.

Douvanis博士(. 古斯)纪念奖

颁发给在领导学系学术地位较强的研究生, 研究, 与学校改善. 有经济需要者优先考虑.


授予教育领导专业研究生. Preference to candidates who work in schools with at-risk populations and for students demonstrating financial need. 

Edwin M. 蓝色的奖学金

Awarded to a student in Educational Leadership on the basis of scholarship and professional promise. 这项奖学金是由家人和朋友为纪念李博士而设立的. Edwin M. 蓝色的, who served Georgia for more than 40 years as public school and college teacher and administrator.

托马斯年代. 厄普丘奇教育领导奖学金

根据成绩和经济需要颁发给教育领导专业的研究生.  该奖项旨在帮助培养未来教育领域的领导者.

该奖学金是由托马斯·S. Upchurch.


授予获得教育学硕士或博士学位的认证教育工作者. 证明有经济需要.

该奖学金是由欧文·沙利文·英格拉姆的妹妹利昂娜·英格拉姆设立的. She was a career educator beginning with the Crawford County School System and later joining the Atlanta School System.



这项奖学金是由博士捐赠的. 珍珠不行!, 退休教育教授, 他担任过部门主管和心理服务主任.


Awarded to a graduate student who is working towards a Master's degree in Education in Reading. 证明有经济需要.

这项奖学金是为了纪念李博士而设立的. 柏妮丝弗里曼, who served as Professor of Education and head of the Department of Secondary Education at West Georgia.


授予特殊教育专业的研究生,成绩至少为3分.0的绩点. 经济需要将被考虑. Preference given to a Carroll County High School graduate who has demonstrated leadership qualities.

The scholarship was established to honor Louis Herzog for his 32 years of service to Carroll County Association for Retarded Citizens.

Dr. 佩吉年代. 斯蒂尔蒙捐赠奖学金

Awarded to a graduate student seeking a degree in collaborative support and intervention program in Reading with exceptional academic standing.  表现出领导能力和素质,成为杰出的教育家. 经济需要优先考虑. 

这项奖学金是由佩吉·S·克林顿的家人和朋友设立的. Steelmon.


Awarded to a part-time or full-time students in School 媒体 Certification (Masters or Add-on). 完成一学期后颁发. 女生优先. 

设立这项奖学金是为了纪念史密斯博士. 普里西拉班纳特, 研究系的教授, 媒体, and Technology; her son, Robert Bennett; and her mother, 爱丽丝巴恩斯. 媒体部门选择收件人.



奖学金基金是由安妮·贝尔·韦弗小姐的遗产捐赠的, 西乔治亚州的第一位图书管理员.

Dr. 约翰J. 和安·K. 潘兴纪念奖学金


该奖学金授予. John Pershing, former Professor and Head of the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology.


颁发给攻读教育学硕士学位的博彩平台推荐研究生. 经济需要可能会被考虑.

这项奖学金是由布朗博士设立的. 朱迪·巴特勒纪念她的哥哥大卫·戴维斯.

Dr. 端午米. 费尔斯纪念奖学金

授予幼儿教育(Pre-K - 5)专业研究生, GPA不低于3分.0美元,并证明有经济需要.




Awarded to a rising junior accepted in the Teacher Education Program within the 博彩平台推荐 教育学院, 毕业于希尔德县或卡罗尔县的公立高中, 保持3.平均绩点0或更高.  此外,两位教授(教育或专业领域)必须提供推荐. 经济需求也必须考虑在内.  


Earline J. 鲍里斯奖学基金

Awarded to a 高级 who is majoring in Education and completing the internship phase of the program. 优先考虑来自以下县之一的学生:卡罗尔, 富尔顿, 迪卡尔布, 菲也特, 或史蒂芬斯.

刘易斯L. & Floy Burson Combs纪念奖学金

颁发给教育专业学生. Preference should be given to a student who attended high school in Heard County or Carroll County, GA.


由招生部门授予新生. 由招生办公室颁发.


颁发给教育学院“最值得”的本科生.比尔·卡明斯奖学金由卡明斯先生于2010年设立. 比尔·卡明斯表彰和奖励优秀的教育学院学生.  这笔捐款将作为对比尔·卡明斯一生和工作的永久致敬.


颁发给两名学生,一男一女.  Candidates must be undergraduate students majoring in Education, who have an overall GPA of 3.0或更高. 优先考虑参加校内体育活动的学生.

The 杰伊·查普曼纪念奖学金 was established in 2012 by the Chapman family and friends to support students who are majoring in Education.


颁发给幼儿教育专业的一名女生. 最低绩点2.0所需. 柏威浸信会会员优先.

该奖学金由Parkway浸信会为纪念Julia Ann (Judy) Kerr而设立. 她获得了西乔治亚学院的硕士学位和教育专家学位. 她在科布县当了17年的小学教师.

Dot McNabb奖学金

体育专业大三或大四学生, 谁表现出优点和领导潜力, GPA不低于2分.8. 经济需求是次要考虑因素. 

的同事们, friends and former students of Dorothy "Dot" McNabb established this scholarship in honor of her 35-year career as a teacher and coach at West Georgia. “麦克小姐”主要负责女子运动项目的发展.

Dr. 罗伯特。米. Reeves奖学金

颁发给体育、健康专业即将升学的大四学生 & 社区健康或体育管理专业,GPA不低于2分.5.  The student should be a member of a professional organization related to the student's major and display qualities such as: leadership, 合作, 热情, 和可靠性. 经济需要也要考虑.

这项奖学金是由布朗博士设立的. Reeves following his retirement from West Georgia's Department of Physical Education and Recreation.

老塞缪尔·蒂格·雷. 公共卫生基金

卫生专业大三或大四学生 & 社区健康,平均绩点至少2分.65岁,并证明有经济需要. 此外,他们必须积极参与社区活动或做志愿者. 


Awarded to a junior or 高级, who shows promise of becoming an excellent middle grades teacher.

这项奖学金是由她的学生和朋友设立的. 戴维森.

赫伯特年代. 和Pauline T. 哈顿奖学金

Awarded to a junior or 高级 majoring in Special Education and preference for financial need.

这项奖学金是由他们的儿子赫伯特. 哈顿, to symbolize the 哈顿s' concern and compassion for mentally and physically challenged children.

弗雷德F. Hallum奖学金

授予博彩平台推荐运动员, 体育专业优先, chosen by a committee appointed by the Chairman of the Department of Physical Education and Recreation.

这一奖学金是由罗斯玛丽·N. Hallum.


特殊教育专业大三或大四学生,GPA不低于2分.75.  展现了与特殊孩子一起工作的杰出能力. 



授予教育专业大四学生,以表彰其学业成就. GPA必须不低于3分.2.



初等教育专业大三在校生,成绩至少为3分.平均绩点为0,并有经济需求. 优先考虑卡罗尔县高中毕业生. 大四可续签.

该奖学金是为了纪念艾菲·麦奎尔而设立的, 在橡树山学校任教十多年了.


Awarded to a student majoring in Education and chosen by a committee appointed by the Dean of the 教育学院.

这一奖学金是由罗斯玛丽·N. Hallum.

玛格丽特·N. 珀金斯,卡罗尔顿奖学金飞行员俱乐部

Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Special Education or Speech Pathology. Students will submit an essay of at least 500 words describing how the student's course of study or future goals relate to brain related disorders.


授予成绩达到3分的大三或大四本科生或研究生.平均成绩不低于0分,研究生优先考虑. 学生必须来自鲍登,GA或兰伯恩,AL. 优先考虑有经济需要的学生. 只要继续符合标准,就可再生. 

这项奖学金是由约翰尼·B捐赠的. 埃德娜·P. 休伊.

米歇尔·梅小姐 & Dr. 南希·波拉德奖学金

授予特殊教育专业(大三)学生, 高级, 和研究生)证明有经济需要. 


  1. 作为一个残疾人的父母
  2. 作为一名有残疾记录的博彩平台推荐学生
  3. 作为一名特殊教育的副专业人员


颁发给特殊教育专业的本科生或研究生. Selection criteria include academic achievement and involvement in the field of Special Education.


摩泽尔河T. Chappell奖学金

Awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student majoring in Special Education who is in good academic standing, 证明经济需要, 展现出领导才能.

The scholarship was endowed by the Carroll County Association for Retarded Citizens in memory of Moselle Chappell, 卡罗尔县第一位特殊教育老师, 也是卡罗尔县智障公民协会的创始成员之一.


Awarded to a full time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Special Education or Speech Language Pathology.


CHREA 21世纪奖

Awarded to a non-traditional undergraduate (25 years or older) or graduate student (any age) majoring in Education. 受奖人目前居住在卡罗尔县或希尔德县. 奖励基于成绩和经济需要.

This fund was established by the Carroll Heard Retired Educator's Association to be awarded annually based on merit and financial need.

威廉D. 康纳奖学金

Awarded to a graduate student with financial need majoring in Secondary Education Mathematics.  学业成绩将是次要考虑因素.  符合奖学金标准的少数民族研究生将优先考虑. 如果少数民族研究生不符合标准, 它将被授予数学教育专业的本科生. 如果继续符合标准,奖学金最多可续期6年. 

该奖学金是由威廉. 康纳.




颁发给教育专业的博彩平台推荐大四或研究生, 谁是格温内特县的居民, GA. 学生应该有一个2.平均绩点5分或以上,并证明有经济需要. 候选人应参与西乔治亚浸信会学生会.

Dr. 托马斯·W. 西尔斯奖学金


Carole Zuker Carreker幼儿教育奖学金


  1. 幼儿教育专业
  2. 证明有经济需要
  3. 由教育学院确定的良好学术地位
  4. 有音乐背景及对音乐教学有兴趣者优先.

休·L. 布洛克,小. 多丽丝·霍林沃斯·布洛克教育基金奖学金

颁发给儿童早期教育专业的学生,GPA不低于3分.并表现出坚强的性格.  Preference for students with unmet financial need and for a graduate from a Carroll county or city high school. 续订的可能性.  如果没有合格的幼儿教育专业,将考虑科学教育专业. 

乔·H. McGiboney奖学金


The scholarship honors the man who was instrumental in establishing the close working relationship between West Georgia's teacher education program and the Carroll County Schools. 卡洛尔县本地人. McGiboney担任教师, 主要, 从1915年到1952年担任卡罗尔县学校的负责人.


Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student in the 教育学院 and 证明经济需要; preference for students with a minimum 3.0的绩点. 


授予教育学院的学生.  委员会将考虑申请人的学术能力和前景,以及经济需要. 

Dr. McTeer was a longtime member of Education faculty at West Georgia and is remembered as a master teacher.

莎蒂米. 休斯纪念奖学金


这项奖学金是由杨先生设立的. C. 尤金·休斯为了纪念他的妻子,他是西佐治亚大学第一届毕业生.

Dr. 普伦蒂斯·L. 戈特家庭奖学金


Dr. 戈特在1964年至1983年期间担任中学教育的行政人员和教员, 1998年被评为优秀退休教授.