

2月. 20, 2024

博彩平台推荐, wellness and community form two cornerstones of student achievement, 支持学术活动, 课外活动和个人成长. 

从左到右:博士. André Fortune, 博彩平台推荐 vice president for student affairs; Dr. Lakiesa罗林森, 博彩平台推荐 associate vice president of student life and dean of students; Bridgette Stewart, 博彩平台推荐 chief wellness officer; Dr. April Wood Stewart, executive director of the Center for Student Involvement and Inclusion; Dr. 博彩平台推荐主席布伦丹·凯利
从左到右:博士. André Fortune, 博彩平台推荐 vice president for student affairs; Dr. Lakiesa罗林森, 博彩平台推荐 associate vice president of student life and dean of students; Bridgette Stewart, 博彩平台推荐 chief wellness officer; Dr. April Wood Stewart, executive director of the Center for Student Involvement and Inclusion; Dr. 博彩平台推荐主席布伦丹·凯利

What began as a rudimentary drawing in alumna and Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) Bridgette Stewart’s home has now materialized into a medical clinic on wheels, providing not only students with hands-on experiential learning but also prioritizing the well-being of the greater 卡罗敦 and neighboring communities.

“We have many underserved communities in and around 卡罗敦 that simply don’t get basic wellness care and prevention education due to lack of insurance or transportation and language or financial barriers,03年的斯图尔特说. “博彩平台推荐需要找到他们. 的 unit was designed specifically to provide cost-effective, preventative wellness education care to the community while also providing innovative experiential learning opportunities for students.” 

Well-being is a concept hardwired into the identity of 博彩平台推荐. 的 沃尔夫健康实验室 的早期版本 综合健康中心, which the mobile unit falls under – began in Fall 2018 when Stewart was a faculty member in the 教育学院. 今天,她是 全国高等教育中仅有的五个cwo之一, set in motion by a greater emphasis on health when the university launched a new 战略计划 in 2021.

“博彩平台推荐 总统 Dr. 布伦丹·凯利 is a visionary leader who believes in wellness as a foundation for student success, and part of that involves the development of partnerships in bringing 服务 to others,斯图尔特接着说. “的 mobile unit can be used by university professionals or as a vessel for other entities. 部门 of Public Health do a lot of work in the community, but sometimes they find barriers in finding places to set up. This mobile unit provides a space for that because we can just pull into a parking lot wherever we’re needed. It gives us the ability to continue to serve externally in an advanced way.”

Stewart stated that the global mobile health clinic market was valued at nearly $4 billion in 2022 and is expected to increase to $12.到2032年将达到650亿美元,年增长率为11%.63%. 许多因素促成了这一增长轨迹, 包括便利, 效率和成本效益. 


Outfitted with two private biometric screening stations, portable kitchen supplies including a refrigerator for temperature-sensitive material, 还有一个可伸缩的遮阳篷, the clinic can deliver the same quality of programs without the overhead costs that usually come with a traditional facility. 

运动也是关键. Mobile units can be called into places where disaster response may be critical, 除了疫苗接种诊所和献血活动.

“的re aren’t a lot of places we can’t go, and that’s the beauty of a mobile unit,斯图尔特说. “博彩平台推荐运行自己的电源, so we can be onsite for people to walk right out of their office, 接受他们的服务,然后回去工作. 这也节省了时间. For example, we offer mobile mammography, and it takes 20-30 minutes. If you have to go to a brick-and-mortar facility, it could take up half your day.”

的 Screen Team – a moniker Stewart has given the 博彩平台推荐 students who’ll work with the mobile unit under faculty supervision – are trained to participate in 服务 like glucose and cholesterol checks, 血压检查, 功能性运动筛查. Another added bonus lies in the development of soft skills. 

“的 inspiration came from wanting to help as many people as we can while giving our students experience in working with other individuals,斯图尔特解释道. “It’s an opportunity to improve on their social connections and learn how to communicate with others.”

博彩平台推荐 students aren’t the only ones who benefit from the unit’s instruction. 除了综合健康 服务, it also provides community-based health and wellness education, 比如心肺复苏, 急救和AED培训. 

Dr. 布伦丹·凯利 high-fives Bridgette Stewart in front of 博彩平台推荐的流动保健单位

“We have the ability to bring education in the form of mobile health fairs that companies might not be able to do on their own,斯图尔特说. “We can do a lot without having to charge an enormous fee. Because we have students leveraging experiential learning opportunities, the costs are considerably less and the students are gaining the skills and experiences they need.” 

In the meantime, Stewart is busy solidifying partnerships and determining community needs. 一个这样的联盟是与 科布 & 道格拉斯公共卫生 (CDPH).

“Mobile health units are a great way to reduce geographic barriers which impede access to clinical and community preventive 服务,Jazmyn McCloud说, CDPH的健康公平和社区参与主任. “的 博彩平台推荐 Mobile Health Unit provides us with a unique opportunity to collaborate, reach more residents and support students interested in the healthcare industry.” 

“Achieving better wellness outcomes continues to be at the forefront of fostering a healthy culture,斯图尔特总结道. “的 rollout of the mobile unit shows the commitment the university has to the holistic health of the community.”

Miranda Daniel摄影