March 21, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes, 30 seconds

With humble beginnings and a steadfast commitment to giving back, Tony and Mary Tritt, owner and managing broker of Tritt Realty, have a story marked by profound community impact.

Tony and Mary Tritt
Tony and Mary Tritt

The story begins with a move to Carrollton in 2019, a new chapter that would ignite a deep-rooted passion for local engagement and support. Tony, originally from Douglasville, has been in the real estate business since the 1990s, while Mary brings a background in banking and management to their brokerage, which opened its doors in 2019. 

Their journey to Carrollton was not just a change of scenery; it was also the start of a remarkable partnership with the University of West Georgia and its surrounding community. 

“We both come from humble backgrounds. We put ourselves through school, and it was not fun or easy,” said Tony. “We want to help people in the same situation we were in. Our approach to giving evolves over time, but the ultimate goal is to make a difference in students’ lives.”

Their philosophy is simple yet powerful, embracing a global perspective while making a tangible impact locally. This drives their involvement in the Carrollton community and dedicated support for 博彩平台推荐

“We believe in supporting local. We live, work and play in our community,” explained Mary. “It’s really important that we support and give to organizations in our local community, like 博彩平台推荐, because these are the places that shape our daily experiences.”

Their connection to 博彩平台推荐 is deeply personal, as their daughter-in-law’s positive experience at the university illuminated its impact. This experience has led to philanthropy becoming a family affair, extending their support to various initiatives and programs at 博彩平台推荐.

“Our daughter-in-law’s experience at 博彩平台推荐 got us excited about the university when we moved to Carrollton. We have seen firsthand the impact 博彩平台推荐 can have on a student because it has impacted members of our family,” said Mary. “Because of our connection to 博彩平台推荐, philanthropy has now extended to more of our family. It is now a group conversation our family has about how we can give to 博彩平台推荐 through the Tritt Family Foundation Scholarship.”

For the Tritts, supporting 博彩平台推荐 isn’t just a choice; it’s a way of life that recognizes the interconnectedness of their actions with the well-being of the community they call home. Their commitment to giving back reflects gratitude for what the community has provided them and a dedication to nurturing and enhancing future generations.

A significant focus of their philanthropy is 博彩平台推荐 Athletics, where they have found a profound connection with the student-athletes. They believe that 博彩平台推荐 Athletics brings people together from all walks of life and serves as a catalyst for community involvement. 

“When you’re a student-athlete, your family and support system might be hundreds of miles away,” explained Tony. “We want to show up and be their support system during the games. We want them to have a face they can recognize in the crowd cheering them on.”

For more information about how you can make an impact by supporting 博彩平台推荐, please visit 博彩平台推荐’s Give West page.

photography by Miranda Daniel