K-5数学背书计划旨在加强和推进数学内容知识, provide professional growth, and promote changes in practice that impact student achievement.  To be eligible for the program, 个人必须持有清晰可更新的教学证书,并有至少一年的教学经验. With this endorsement, 在大会的资助下,教K-5年级数学的个人将有资格获得工资奖励.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog.

Start Your Journey Today


K-5数学背书计划旨在加强和推进数学内容知识, provide professional growth, and promote changes in practice that impact student achievement.  To be eligible for the program, 个人必须持有清晰可更新的教学证书,并有至少一年的教学经验. With this endorsement, 在大会的资助下,教K-5年级数学的个人将有资格获得工资奖励.

Program Location

Carrollton Campus

Method of Delivery

Courses are primarily taught face to face. 有些课程可以部分或全部在线提供,但是,这不是一个在线课程.


博彩平台推荐是由美国南方大学协会认证的 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 12

Graduate students may be able to reduce their cost through prior learning, previous degrees earned at 博彩平台推荐, or transfer credits. We have created a tool to help students estimate their tuition costs.                

This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. However, depending on the courses chosen, a student may choose to take some partially or fully online courses.

Save money

博彩平台推荐 is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited universities of its kind, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, 取决于学生选择参加的课程的教学方法.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
  • 面对面或部分在线课程收取一般学费和所有强制性校园费用, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • 提醒一句:如果一个学生在一个学期内同时学习了面对面和在线课程, he/she will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
  • For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website

There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.


本课程的重点是准备K-5数学背书考生:理解和使用K-5数学中数字和运算的主要概念, including expressing, transforming, and generalizing patterns and quantitative relationships through a variety of representations; In addition, candidates will: solve problems using multiple strategies, manipulatives, and technological tools; interpret solutions; and determine reasonablesness of answers and efficiency of methods; as well select and use a variety of formative and summative assessment techniques to monitor student progress, gauge students mathematical understanding, and interpret school-based progress. Must be taken concurrently with EDME 7271L.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Co-requisite: EDME 7271. 在实际的K-5课堂环境中对知识和技能的实际博彩平台推荐进行监督和协调,使学生能够进一步发展和展示在课程中获得的知识和技能. 实习经历需要展示在小学数学I中获得的内容知识和教学技能.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

本课程的重点是准备K-5数学背书考生:理解和使用K-5年级概率和数据分析的主要概念, solve problems using multiple strategies, manipulatives, and technological tools; interpret solutions; and determine reasonableness of answers and efficiency of methods. In addition, this course will nurture collaboration, critical thinking, hands-on exploration, manipulative use, problem-based inquiry, technology utilization, and activity implementation addressing various learning styles; and will select and use a variety of formative and summative assessment techniques to monitor student progress, gauge student s mathematical understanding, and interpret school-based progress. Must be taken concurrently with EDME 7272L.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Co-requisite: EDME 7272. 在实际的K-5课堂环境中对知识和技能的实际博彩平台推荐进行监督和协调,使学生能够进一步发展和展示在课程中获得的知识和技能. 实习经历需要展示在小学数学II中获得的内容知识和教学技能.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

共同必修:EDME 7273L小学数学教学的技巧与策略探索, including diversity, data-driven instruction, grouping for instruction, and technology in the classroom.

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共同要求:EDME 7273监督和协调在实际K-5课堂环境中发生的知识和技能的一系列实际博彩平台推荐,使学生能够进一步发展和展示在课程中获得的知识和技能. 实习经历需要展示在《博彩平台推荐》中获得的内容知识和教学技能.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Stacey Britton, Ph.D.

Stacey Britton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Jennifer Edelman, Ph.D.

Jennifer Edelman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Rebecca Gault, Ph.D.

Rebecca Gault, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Robyn Huss, Ed.D.

Robyn Huss, Ed.D.

Associate Professor

Bob Morris, Ph.D.

Bob Morris, Ph.D.


Education Annex
Room 121
Kimberley Scasny, Ed.S.

Kimberley Scasny, Ed.S.

Assistant Professor

Robin Strain, M.Ed.

Robin Strain, M.Ed.

Clinical Instructor

Janet Strickland, Ph.D.

Janet Strickland, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Guidelines for Admittance

Program Specific Admittance Guidelines

  • The applicant must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited United States institution, or the equivalent from an international institution.
  • The applicant must be in academic good standing at the institution last attended.
  • The applicant must file an official application and related documents.
  • The applicant must have a minimum grade point average of 2.在获得认可的美国院校完成的所有本科学习成绩达到75分,符合获得学士学位的要求.
  • 申请人必须提交他/她在PSC认可领域的清晰可更新的教师证书副本.
  • Then applicant must have a minimum of one year of teaching experience.
  • 成功的申请人必须没有犯罪记录或从武装部队退役,这将阻止推荐相关的教师证书.
  • 申请人必须联系他们寻求录取的部门,以获取有关项目具体要求的信息.

Application Deadlines

Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School

* Application, app fee, and document deadline

See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

Admission Process Checklist

The Graduate Studies Application Process checklist is available here


Graduate Admissions

College of Education: 
The The Department of Early Childhood through Secondary Education website includes projected course offerings, program sheets, and other vital information.

Dr. Natasha Ramsay-Jordan
Pre-enrollment Contact
Phone: 678-839-6086

Specific dates for Admissions (Undergraduate Only), Financial Aid, Fee Payment, Registration, Start/End of Term Dates, Final Exams, etc. are available in THE SCOOP.

Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School

The courses in the K-5 Mathematics Endorsement have several purposes for candidates:

  • To understand and use the major concepts of mathematics for grades K-5
  • To solve problems using multiple strategies, manipulatives, and technological tools
  • 解释解决方案,确定答案的合理性和方法的有效性
  • To nurture collaboration, critical thinking, hands-on exploration, manipulative use, problem-based inquiry, technology utilization, and activity implementation addressing various learning styles.
  • 选择和使用各种形成性和总结性评估技术来监控学生的进步, gauge students' mathematical understanding, and interpret school-based progress
  • 展示对五年级学生如何学习数学和适合五年级数学教学的教学内容知识的深刻理解.